The battle of the C5280, part 4

I have previously recounted how I forced libusb to print trace statements, cajoled CUPS into recognizing my printer and mastered gdb in order to probe in CUPS' bowels.

Fortunately, no such bowel-probing was needed. As I examined where the NULL in dpriv->devname may have come from, I found out it was only being set in good old obsd_get_device_list:

dpriv->devname = NULL;

 * If a device is attached to ugen(4) it has
 * only one 'devname'.
if (!strncmp("ugen", di.udi_devnames[0], 4))
    dpriv->devname =

I duly exercised the spot via my toy program with a breakpoint at the strcmp line. It turned out that the expectation expressed over there in the comment is, in my case, wrong. At busnode /dev/usb0, address 3, the value of di.udi_devnames was ["ulpt0", "umass0", "ugen0"].

My subsequent search for solutions involved a crash-course in USB driver architecture and lots of source-code browsing. The general aim was to make the resulting libusb_device palatable to CUPS by setting it up correctly. It was a tall order and I didn't really figure out what the usb man page meant when it said

For each USB device there may be additional drivers attached to it.

More specifically, I didn't find out whether it was possible to "activate" a different driver than the default one (perhaps by switching the device to another configuration). I suspect it would have taken serious time to finish that investigation but along the way I discovered CUPS' package readme (first as pkg/README in the port directory, then under /usr/local/share/doc after installing). It advised removing the ulpt driver as colliding with ugen.

I tried the suggested remedy (using config -e -o) and it didn't work - but it wouldn't, would it? The string in di.udi_devnames[0] still didn't start with "ugen". I obviously had to remove the umass driver as well. One more reboot and... the test page materialized.

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